In bloom: The Radiant Orchid Collection...
Every year PANTONE chooses its Color of the Year. For 2014, the color is Radiant Orchid, described as an “expressive, creative and embracing purple.” However you choose to describe it, it is a lovely color and I was quite taken with it. Since PANTONE supplies the exact mixture to reproduce the color in a number of formats, I was inspired to create a few Radiant Orchid fabric, wallpaper and gift wrap designs. The top one is Radiant Orchid Blooms, followed by a solid swatch of Radiant Orchid and Radiant Orchid Bubbles.
And then there is Radiant Orchid Stripes, shown above. I thought stripes would be a nice balance to the round Blooms and Bubbles patterns. I am a particular fan of Bubbles in wrapping paper and Blooms in wallpaper.
It’s a pretty color base for a little collection, don’t you think?
All designs by The Pink Home