Dreaming and doing...

If all good things come to those who wait, that must mean I'm in for a bit of luck with The Pink Home shop when it finally opens. Slowly but surely, I am making headway on getting it open ~ emphasis on slowly. I'm trying to make sure I do things properly, from paperwork to merchandise, and that takes time. So much time, as I am learning. And when you already have a full-time job and other responsibilities, well... let's just say I have an even greater respect for those who have Etsy and other online shops ~ it is indeed a labor of love.
I have been busy paring down offerings, trying to start on a manageable level as I get my feet under me. To kick things off, I will be stocking prints of various beautiful photographs, notecards and art ~ all the original work of moi. (One of my latest snapshots is featured above.) I have ordered some of the prints and art for the shop and am (still) designing the stationary offerings. Fingers crossed these turn out as good as I am hoping or else it's back to the drawing board. Perish the thought.
If there's one thing I have noticed about all this work, it's that I am rather enjoying it. In fact, I'm actually having a ball.
As author Sarah Ban Breathnach says, "The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do."
On that note, it's back to work...

P.S. If you haven't already, please be sure to stop by The Pink Home on Facebook and like us. I'll be posting special offers, extras, etc., as things get moving here. You can click on the badge in the right column to take you there. Merci.


Eileen said…
The prints I was talking about arrived this afternoon and they look amazing! So beautiful. I am so excited. :)
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing an encouraging word.

I LOVE your new blog, your beautiful new look. It's so inviting and fresh. Love your header -- it's so vibrant with the promise of spring's newness.
Kellie Collis said…
It's gorgeous! I'm excited for you! Have beautiful day, Kellie xx
Mary Bergfeld said…
I am so looking forward to the "birth" of your baby. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

In case you missed it...